Limited Edition
Acid Rain Watermelon
A KLR/Kelby Original

Acid Rain Watermelon Chalice Limited Edition LPS Stony. KLR/Kelby Colony Image.
Note the green edge on the original colony which is an established trait of the Watermelon Chalices.
Corallites contain red, pink and golden pigments. Turquoise blue develops on inner edges of older corallites.
Surface is red with shades from vibrant red to burgundy red. Ridges can be topped with golden/yellow.
Image Copyright © 2011 by KLR/Kelby All Rights Reserved.

The Acid Rain Watermelon Chalice is a uniquely pigmented chalice coral that has similar traits found within the watermelon group. Its leading growth edge can develop the Watermelon green edge that helps define the watermelon visual. Corallites contain a mix of bright pigments that include pink and gold. Additional coloration characteristics however help to define the Acid Rain nature of this coral. Each corallite contains unique patterns of pink, red and golden pigments, while corallite edges can develop turquoise blue streaks. The red surface of the coral also contains bright yellow/golden pigments on the top of radiating ridges. In certain lighting conditions the green edge can turn golden colored.

This chalice was acquired by KLR/Kelby from an online retailer during early 2010. It was possibly originally exported from Indonesia. The corals name was coined by KLR/Kelby. Reeffarmers received our seed directly from Kelby in the spring of 2011. Our seed initially went through a period of bleaching where the living tissue became transparent. We believe that it was a lighting induced event. Unfortunately the original colony was lost when Kelby went on vacation. That was probably caused by a high salinity event that also caused bleaching. Reeffarmers managed to salvage our seed after it recovered completely from the tissue bleaching. We believe that this is a salinity sensitive low light chalice that can easily bleach from strong light.

Steve Tyree is maintaining a seed section of this coral for in a 130 gallon Raceway Gyre BiZonal system. This system is naturally filtered with a semi-cryptic zone and a reef flat exposed zone. In Steve's captive reef the coral is positioned to receive weak light levels from a 400 watt 20,000 K Radium metal halide. Water current is moderate to weak. The first edition fragment was sold at the 2011 IE-CFM Coral Show.

Acid Rain Watermelon Chalice Limited Edition LPS Stony. KLR/Kelby Corallite Image.
Closeup up image of a couple of corallites. Note the very unique corallite patterns.
Each corallite eye itself contains a mix of pink, red and gold markings.
The edges of the corallites can have unique turquoise blue radiating streaks.
Image Copyright © 2011 by KLR/Kelby All Rights Reserved.

Acid Rain Watermelon Chalice Limited Edition LPS Stony. KLR/Kelby Seed Image.
This is the seed section Reeffarmers was sent directly from KLR/Kelby.
Unfortunately this seed section bleached whitish within a couple of weeks.
We salvaged an internal fragment and a fragment for sales distribution.
The internal fragment was placed in our main seed reef. The second was eventually sold private.
All fragments and seed section recovered from the bleaching over a 2-3 month period.
Original seed was cut in half. One eye to KLR/Kelby. One eye as First Edition.
Image Copyright © 2011 by KLR/Kelby All Rights Reserved.

Acid Rain Watermelon Chalice Limited Edition LPS Stony. Reeffarmers First Edition Image.
Actual First Edition single corallite fragment. Fresh cut bottom of image.
Physical Image Size - Maximum Horizontal 1/2 inch. Maximum Vertical 1/4 inch.
Image Copyright © 2011 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2011 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

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