Limited Edition Acropora lovelli Mike Paletta Turquoise Lovelli
Acropora lovelli Mike Paletta Turquoise Colony Strong Light Colony Photo by Mike Paletta
Expert reef aquarist Mike Paletta has been continuously maintaining exotic stony
corals in his personnal reef aquariums for as long as just about anybody. Over
the years he has acquired a very exotic collection of stonies. His turquoise
Acropora lovelli is one such coral. Mike originally acquired this exotically
colored and shaped coral in 1994-1995 from a cultured colony that Bob Mankin
was maintaining. Bob was another one of the original 'old school' sps coral
aquarists. This coral maintains its turquoise color easily, grows well and
can even develop a tabular growth form when nearing the surface. Reeffarmers
acquired a fragment of this coral from the reeffarmer Tracy Gray who had acquired
a fragment directly from Mike Paletta. Steve Tyree is maintaining this coral
for in a 125 gallon naturally filtered TriZonal system. This
system is naturally filtered with a cryptic zone, filter feeder zone and reef
flat exposed zone. In Steve's captive reef the coral is positoned 16 inches
below a 400 watt 20,000 K radium metal halide. The turquoise coloration is
fairly easy to maintain and will intensify dramatically under strong illumination.
Water current is moderate to weak. Price is currently $65 per small sized fragment.
The monthly limited edition reservation schedules can be found below.
Please note effective March 2009 we have changed the
harvesting and reservation schedule to bimonthly. This better matches the corals
long term growth rate in captivity.