Limited Edition
The coral was originally acquired by Mike at Sexy Corals. The SC Frozen Lava Chalice was exported from Bali around the middle of the year 2010. Mike coined the corals name based on the blue ice color that mixes in with the red stripes and outer edges. The colors give the impression of Ice Floating on Lava. Reeffarmers acquired our seed directly from Sexy Corals.
Steve Tyree is maintaining a seed section of this coral for in a 130 gallon Raceway Gyre BiZonal system. This system is naturally filtered with a semi-cryptic zone and a reef flat exposed zone. In Steve's captive reef the coral is positioned to receive moderate to weak light levels from a 400 watt 20,000 K Radium metal halide. We currently assume moderate to strong water currents are best. The price of this coral per small fragment consisting of a single large polyp will be determined in part by the first edition live auction that will occur in Sacramento (MARS Coral Auction) on April 15th 2011.