Limited Edition
Grafted Montipora

Limited Edition Grafted Montipora World Wide Corals colony.
The colony of the World Wide Corals Grafted Montipora capricornis coral contains numerous grafted pigment splotches.
This was a typical Orange Red Montipora capricornis coral that originaly contained no green pigmentation.
Image Copyright © 2009 by World Wide Corals All Rights Reserved.

What may be the first reported case of pigment grafting or fusing for a Montipora coral while being held within captivity. This plating and whorling Montipora capricornis coral is normally colored solid red/orange. The Grafted Montipora has had fluorescent green pigments grafted or fused onto its surface. These fluorescent green pigments slowly spread out into exotic patterns distributed across the surface of the coral. The Grafted Montipora coral was originally developed while being maintained with the aquariums of Sea World Orlando. We do not know if the grafting occurred from physical contact or through pigment migration. Sea World eventually offerred the unusual coral to Victor and Lou of World Wide Corals in Orlando. Victor and Lou recognized the green pigments as grafting pigments right away. Reeffarmers acquired a few fragments in late 2009. One of our fragments was in a tank that had some problems and that fragment completely lost its green and red fluorescing pigments. It turned dark brown. After recovering from this pigment loss, the coral eventually regained both its red and even regained its green fluorescent grafting. This more or less demonstrated to us that it was a true pigment grafting and the coral was not going to eventually lose that grafting over time. Steve Tyree is maintaining a seed section of this coral for in an 85 gallon naturally filtered BiZonal system. This system is naturally filtered with a semi-cryptic zone and a reef flat exposed zone. In Steve's captive reef the coral is positioned to receive weak to moderate light levels from a 400 watt 20,000 K Radium metal halide. The price of this coral per small fragment is $75. The quarterly limited edition reservation schedules can be found below.

Limited Edition Grafted Montipora Reeffarmers seed closeup.
This closeup image shows the unusual distribution of the fluorescent green grafted pigment.
This is a true grafting as can be seen by the exotic distribution pattern of the pigment.
Orange Red Montipora capricornis corals do not normally contain these random green pigment splotches.
Image Copyright © 2009 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

Grafted Montipora Year 2010 Quarterly Limited Edition Schedule
Sold at DA-CFM November 14th 2009 event
Reserved for M. Harrington
Reserved for A. Chan
Reserved for R. Adams

Grafted Montipora Year 2011 Quarterly Limited Edition Schedule
Reserved for J. Butler
Reserved for S. Craig
Reserved for M. Schwitters
Reserved for N. Laplante

Grafted Montipora Year 2012 Quarterly Limited Edition Schedule

To inquire about reserving a limited edition farmed fragment of this coral please send an email to

Copyright © 2010 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

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