Limited Edition
Montipora aquituberculata

Montipora aquituberculata Colony
Image Copyright © 2002 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

The Montipora aquituberculata is a very unique species of plating, whorling and scrolling Montipora. It has an incredibly screaming green coloration. Edges can be colored white. The very unique part of this coral, besides its intense coloration, is that this plating Montipora can also grow vertical branches that coral biologist refer to as nodules. The picture above is the typical growth forms that this coral grows into. Below this text there are two pictures of the coral in two distinct and extreme growth forms. One has a very large vertical branch or nodule, while the other happens to have only a couple of small nodules. All of the currently farmed colonies of these corals originated from captive grown fragments distribued by Clayton Romi of Coral Gardens (Centre for Coral Aquaculture). Email .
Clayton orginally picked up the coral way back in 1994. Steve Tyree also acquired a speciman of this coral back in the mid to late 1990's. In fact, the first book Steve wrote about Reef Building Stony Corals, had a picture of this species of coral on its cover. The coral in that shot was kept in a reef that was run by Nelson Seeley. We do not remember where Nelson acquired his particular speciman. It may have come from Steve Tyree's or Clayton Romi's speciman. That cover file for the book photo was lost unfortunately and the current editions of the book contain 6 other coral photos. To see this book click on the link below.
The potential this coral has to form exotic growth forms in captivity is great. We would love to see someone produce a completely branching growth form of this coral constructed of nodules. This is however a debate about what conditions stimulate the coral to develop nodule growths in addition to its plating form. Will strong light and strong current develop nodule growths or will weak current and weak light develop the growths ? In general the coral seems to require moderate ligthing with moderate current. This coral is currently being farmed by Steve Tyree and it is located within one of his 125 gallon naturally filtered Tri-Zonal EG reefs. Fragments consist of plates attached to small rocks. is allowed to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this coral per month. Price is currently $75 per small sized fragment. The monthly limited edition reservation schedule can be found below. Please note effective December 2007 we have changed the harvesting and reservation schedule to bimonthly. This better matches the corals long term growth rate in captivity.

Montipora aquituberculata - Major Nodule
Image Copyright © 2002 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.
Montipora aquituberculata - Minor Nodules
Image Copyright © 2002 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

Montipora aquituberculata Year 2008 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

April - Fragment
Reserved for L. Lee

Montipora aquituberculata Year 2007 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
CFM Auction
February - Fragment
CFM Auction
March - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
April - Fragment
CFM Auction
May - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
June - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
July - Fragment
Reserved for G. Brinn
August - Fragment
Reserved for M. Sladek
September - Fragment
Reserved for T. Wasden
October - Fragment
Reserved for M. Maher
November - Fragment
Reserved for D. Larsen
December - Fragment
Reserved for G. Kaplan

Montipora aquituberculata Year 2006 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Delivered to M. Hopper
February - Fragment
CFM Auctions
March - Fragment
Shipped to Shawn B.
April - Fragment
CFM Auction
May - Fragment
CFM Auction
June - Fragment
CFM Auction
July - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
August - Fragment
Shipped to W. Pecoul
September - Fragment
CFM Auction
October - Fragment
CFM Auction
November - Fragment
CFM Auctions
December - Fragment
CFM Auction

Montipora aquituberculata Year 2005 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
CFM Auction
February - Fragment
Shipped to S. Bauer
March - Fragment
April - Fragment
CFM Auction
May - Fragment
Shipped to S. Yonkers
June - Fragment
Shipped to Eve G.
July - Fragment
Picked up by John M.
August - Fragment
CFM Auction
September - Fragment
CFM Auction
October - Fragment
Shipped to C. Moon
November - Fragment
Shipped to P. Chung
December - Fragment
Shipped to S. Todoverto

Montipora aquituberculata Year 2004 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Picked up by E. Bermudez
February - Fragment
Shipped to R. C.
March - Fragment
Shipped to J. C.
April - Fragment
Delivered to S. Garrett
May - Fragment
Shipped to D. O.
June - Fragment
Shipped to A. Andrasz
July - Fragment
April 2005 Auction
August - Fragment
Shipped to Chris K.
September - Fragment
Shipped to B. H.
October - Fragment
Shipped to Clint C.
November - Fragment
CFM Auction
December - Fragment
Shipped to Justin B.

Montipora aquituberculata Year 2003 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
February - Fragment
Shipped to G. A.
March - Fragment
Shipped to M. S.
April - Fragment
May - Fragment
June - Fragment
Shipped to Ceyx
July - Fragment
Shipped to T. M.
August - Fragment
Shipped to T. McD.
September - Fragment
Shipped to K. G.
October - Fragment
Shipped to R.A.L.
November - Fragment
December - Fragment
Shipped to A. M.

Montipora aquituberculata Year 2002 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

Shipped to S. F.

To inquire about reserving a limited edition farmed fragment of this coral please send email to

Copyright © 2002 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

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