Montipora sp. Atlantis Strawberry Patch Pink Polyped Monti. This plating and whorling seed colony was grown
by an anonymous Southern California Coral Collector. Note the extremely large pink polyps. Photo through front acrylic. is farming another exotic Montipora that was originally discovered and
initially distributed by Atlantis Aquarium of the California Bay Area. This pink polyped
Montipora has pigmentation patterns that are similar to the other pink polyped Limited Edition
coral that Reeffarmers distributes (which was also originally found at Atlantis Aquarium). The
main difference with this Strawberry Patch Montipora is that the pink polyps are about 3 times
larger (see above image) then the pink polyps on the original pink polyped Montipora. The
Strawberry Patch can also develop a very bright blue pigmentation over the surface of the coral
when exposed to strong to moderate light levels. This coral also develops less green
pigments found on the surface of the original Montipora pink polyped.
We acquired our fragment from an anonymous reef collector in Southern California who acquired
his fragment from a distributor that had acquired a fragment directly from Mingwei
and Joleen of Atlantis Aquarium.
Steve Tyree is maintaining a parent fragment of this coral for in a 125 gallon naturally filtered TriZonal system. This system is
naturally filtered with a cryptic zone, filter feeder zone and reef flat exposed
zone. In Steve's captive reef the coral is positoned 16 inches away from a 400
watt 20,000 K radium metal halide. The pink polyp coloration can be easily
maintained even under weak light levels. Blue develops on the corals surface in strong
to intense light levels (see image below). Water current is moderate to weak. Price is
currently $80 per small sized fragment. The bimonthly limited edition reservation schedules
can be found below.
Montipora sp. Atlantis Strawberry Patch Pink Polyped.
Note the blue pigmentation that developed on the corals surface when maintained under strong to moderate light.