Limited Edition
Acropora valida
Purple Monster

THE Original Purple Monster - Guaranteed

Acropora valida Purple Monster Original Colony
Image Copyright © 2003 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

The 'Purple Monster' Coral was originally imported back in 1995 from the Solomons. It was a very unique and distinctive coral having a christmas tree form composed of smooth thick branches. This coral was placed within Steve Tyree's 180 gallon reef. It was featured in an MFM article way back in 1996. The name was coined by Steve Shvetstoff while he was living in the Oakland area of California. Those of you unfamilar with this coral can see its web page at
Steve Tyree is currently farming this coral from the last fragment that was harvested from a spectacular colony that Tracy Gray had grown within his reef. That reef unfortunately completely crashed while Tracy was in Japan on business. Tracy's colony was grown from a fragment purchased from Bill Schroer of the old Piece of the Reef shop. Bill had acquired a colony of the coral from Cameron Azad of Pasadena California. Cameron had originally acquired a a tiny fragment of this coral in 1996 from Steve Tyree. Over 4 years Cameron had grown the tiny fragment into a very nice sized parent colony. The color lightened due to his brighter lights and grew slightly thinner due to Camerons slightly weaker current. While being maintained within the 650 gallon show reef at Piece of the Reef, the coral has regained its deep rich purple color. This color was maintained by Tracy Gray. The fragment Steve is growing has also maintained the characteristic deep purple coloration and is growing thinner branches. Since this coral was originally imported back in 1995, there have been a few Monstor-like austera colonies imported, but none had the unique growth form that this colony had or the deep rich purple color it developed. This coral is being farmed by Steve Tyree and it is located within one of his 125 gallon naturally filtered Tri-Zonal EG reefs. is allowed to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this coral per month beginning with October 2003. Price is currently $150 per medium sized fragment. Please note - We raised the price on June 8th to $150 per small fragment. This is mainly because the coral has experienced only a slightly wider captive distribution while demand has experienced a strong increase. The monthly limited edition reservation schedule can be found below. Please note effective November 2011 we have changed the harvesting and reservation schedule to bimonthly. This better matches the corals long term growth rate in captivity.

Acropora valida Purple Monster
Image Copyright © 2003 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

Acropora valida Purple Monster Year 2010 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Reserved for S. Schlichte (old price $135)
February - Fragment
Reserved for C. Jurrens (old price $135)
March - Fragment
Reserved for D. Pham (old price $135)
April - Fragment
Reserved for S. Matney (old price $135)
May - Fragment
Reserved for S. Whitlow (old price $135)
June - Fragment
Reserved for Andy (old price $135)
July - Fragment
Reserved for S. Whitlow (old price $135)
August - Fragment
Reserved for D. Cheung (old price $135)
September - Fragment
Reserved for S. Chan (old price $135)
October - Fragment
Reserved for J. Shelton (old price $135)
November - Fragment
Reserved for D. Simms (old price $135)
December - Fragment
Reserved for Amer (old price $135)

Acropora valida Purple Monster Year 2011 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Reserved for W. Samoska (old price $135)
February - Fragment
Reserved for J. Gagel (old price $135)
March - Fragment
Reserved for M. Schwitters (old price $135)
April - Fragment
Reserved for C. Green (old price $135)
May - Fragment
Reserved for G. Pillar (old price $135)
June - Fragment
Reserved for R. Rollins (old price $135)
July - Fragment
Reserved for J. Sefsik (old price $135)
August - Fragment
Reserved for D. Moum (old price $135)
September - Fragment
Reserved for M. Maher (old price $135)
October - Fragment
Reserved for T. Wasden (old price $135)
November - Fragment
Reserved for W. Burris (old price $135)

Acropora valida Purple Monster Year 2012 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Reserved for M. Araujo (old price $135)
March - Fragment
Reserved for J. Davila (old price $135)
May - Fragment
Reserved for M. Shannon
July - Fragment
Reserved for C. Wong

Acropora valida Purple Monster Year 2009 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Reserved for Scott W. (old price $135)
February - Fragment
Reserved for D. Willingmyre (old price $135)
March - Fragment
Reserved for E. Stenberg (old price $135)
April - Fragment
Reserved for S. L. Chin (old price $135)
May - Fragment
Reserved for Jason Y. (old price $135)
June - Fragment
Reserved for S. Kahana
July - Fragment
Reserved for Charles S. (old price $135)
August - Fragment
Delivered to P. Schreiber
September - Fragment
Reserved for M. Floyd (old price $135)
October - Fragment
Reserved for J. Ruedaflores
November - Fragment
Reserved for R. Starling (old price $135)
December - Fragment
Reserved for Victor A. (old price $135)

Acropora valida Purple Monster Year 2008 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Reserved for D. Ho (old price $135)
February - Fragment
Reserved for M. Virsinger (old price $135)
March - Fragment
Reserved for M. Dockery (old price $135)
April - Fragment
Reserved for L. Davidson (old price $135)
May - Fragment
Reserved for B. Moore (old price $135)
June - Fragment
Reserved for Scott M. (old price $135)
July - Fragment
Reserved for J. Dakan (old price $135)
August - Fragment
Reserved for D. Willingmyre (old price $135)
September - Fragment
Reserved for Aaron M. (old price $135)
October - Fragment
Reserved for Clint C. (old price $135)
November - Fragment
Reserved for M. Gaskin (old price $135)
December - Fragment
Sold as a Buy It Now

Acropora valida Purple Monster Year 2007 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
February - Fragment
Reserved for Charles O. (old price $135)
March - Fragment
Reserved for G. Kaplan (old price $135)
April - Fragment
Reserved for Paul H. (old price $135)
May - Fragment
Reserved for Joe C. (old price $135)
June - Fragment
Reserved for I. Hartwell (old price $135)
July - Fragment
Reserved for B. Blenkhorn (old price $135)
August - Fragment
Reserved for M. Layng (old price $135)
September - Fragment
Reserved for S. Hartzman (old price $135)
October - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
November - Fragment
CFM Auctions
December - Fragment
2006 BA-CFM

Acropora valida Purple Monster Year 2006 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now Feb 2010
February - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
March - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
April - Fragment
May - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
June - Fragment
CFM Auction
July - Fragment
CFM Auctions
August - Fragment
Reserved for Richard C. (old price $135)
September - Fragment
Shipped to L. Lin
October - Fragment
Reserved for Terry O. (old price $135)
November - Fragment
CFM Auctions
December - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now

Acropora Valida Purple Monstor Year 2005 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

Shipped to Sean T.
CFM Auction
Shipped to E. B.
Shipped to T. H.
Reserved for M. H. (old price $135)
Picked up by K. Y.
Sold as Buy it Now
Delivered to R. Adam
CFM Auctions
CFM Auctions
Shipped to Brad A.

Acropora Valida Purple Monstor Year 2004 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

Shipped to D. M.
Shipped to A. M.
Picked up by R. Balmes
Shipped to A. D.
Shipped to M. M.
Shipped to U. K.
Shipped to B. W.
Shipped to E. Schlichte
Shipped to B. H.
Delivered to R. C.
Shipped to D. Str.

Acropora Valida Purple Monstor Year 2003 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

Picked up by E. C.
Shipped to M. D.
Shipped to B. T.

To inquire about reserving a limited edition farmed fragment of this coral please send email to

Copyright © 2003 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

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