Limited Edition - LOA Pinky in the Pub Acropora
The LOA Pinky in the Pub was named by Dennis Sandoval of Law Office Aquariums. The coral appears to be a morph similar to Pinky the Bear, but has some interesting distinctions. The extended mint green tentacle is why it was named Pinky in the Pub. The hairy green tentacle represents an Irish pub. Dennis acquired the coral in 2015 as a small seed consisting of brown sticks. It morphed to a white branch with elongated whitish polyp. Then it developed a white beige body with bright red polyps. The elongated tentacle was white. The coral has stabalized for a few months as the white extended tentacle developed a mint green coloration. Reeffarmers acquired our seed section directly from Law Office Aquariums who shipped a seed fragment direct to our shop in Texas.
Reeffarmers is maintaining a seed section of this coral in a 8 foot Raceway Gyre BiZonal system. This system is naturally filtered with a semi-cryptic zone and a reef flat exposed zone. In this captive reef the coral is positioned to receive weak light and weak water current. The first edition fragment of this coral was auctioned by Law Office Aquariums on 11/18/17-11/19/17. The auction occurred in the Facebook group called Official SPS Frag Swap Page. There was bidder in that auction so retail price was set at $50.